Jack, I remember when I first rode my little bike with no training wheels. It was a bike that had direct drive. That means the pedals worked forward and backward just the same. No brakes. It was just a little one. My dad pushed me and i fell over. He told me to keep pedalling, and pushed me again. I kept pedalling, and have been loving it ever since. Nana and I bought new 21-speed bikes 2 years ago, and have ridden more than 1,500 miles since then.
Wow, Jack! There is a certain freedom you feel when riding on just two wheels. I'm glad you are enjoying it!
Jack, I remember when I first rode my little bike with no training wheels. It was a bike that had direct drive. That means the pedals worked forward and backward just the same. No brakes. It was just a little one. My dad pushed me and i fell over. He told me to keep pedalling, and pushed me again. I kept pedalling, and have been loving it ever since. Nana and I bought new 21-speed bikes 2 years ago, and have ridden more than 1,500 miles since then.
Congratulations on being a two-wheeler.
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